Bilingual instruction and the reform of university English educationChinese Full Text
YU Li-ming~1,YUAN Du-ping~2 (1. The Foreign Language School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China; 2. The School of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China)
Abstract: The goal of the bilingual instruction in Chinese universities and colleges is to enhance the teaching of foreign languages(mainly English) and train large numbers of professionals who can communicate in English as efficiently as in their mother tongue. The bilingual instruction at the tertiary level of education has opened up a new avenue to redress the situation in which university English teaching is examination-oriented. To do a good job in bilingual education, it is imperative to learn fro... More
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(H) Education & Social Sciences; (F) Literature/ History/ Philosophy
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Foreign Language
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