Short-term traffic flow prediction method based on SVMChinese Full Text
Yang Zhao-sheng,Wang Yuan,Guan Qing (College of Transportation,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China)
Abstract: Summarizing the existing prediction models and considering the characteristics of the traffic itself such as nonlinearity,complexity and uncertainty,a short-term traffic flow prediction model based on support vector machine(SVM) was proposed.The real traffic data validation and the comparison with the traffic flow prediction model based on the BP neural network resulted in a conclusion that this model is superior to the BP neural network model on the aspects of prediction accuracy,convergence ti... More
engineering of communications and transportation system; traffic flow prediction; statistics learning theory; SVM; BP neural network;
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(C) Architecture/ Energy/ Traffic/ Electromechanics, etc
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Highway and Waterway Transportation
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