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The Mixed Use of He/She for Chinese Learners of EnglishChinese Full Text



Abstract: To explore the underlying reason for the mixed use of HE/SHE,a self-paced reading experiment was conducted to record the reading time for each HE or SHE that matched or did not match its corresponding antecedent.Antecedents were either celebrity names(e.g.Gong Li or Li Lianjie) or career names with prototype gender(e.g.nurse or plumber).The experiment found that the reading time for HE or SHE was influenced by the gender prominence of its corresponding antecedent,and that antecedents of high gender prominence produced patterns of reading time that were consistent with those patterns produced by readers whose mother tongue distinguishes between HE and SHE.The findings indicate that the mixed use of HE/SHE is not a wrong selection of words,but the result of gender information missing in the composition of preverbal message in language production.
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