National Population Census of China Database


National Population Census of China Database is a numerical database and census data analysis system based on previous population census data since 1953. The data covers national population and indexes such as gender, age, nationality, education background, industry, occupation, migration and mobility, social security, marriage and childbirth, death, housing, etc. It is the necessary statistical data for studying population structure, population distribution, population change, population development trend, population and economic development, etc.


It is a numerical database and a census data analysis system based on the data of seven population censuses since 1953. It covers 230 kinds of census, over 500 volumes and 70,000 entries, totaling 7.6 million items of statistical data.


Comprehensive indexes: The database collects detailed data of previous population censuses in China, providing users with comprehensive and complete information about population index. The data covers population size, structure, distribution, migration, etc., and meeting the research demands for a comprehensive understanding on the population of China.

Accurate data: The data source is authoritative and can be traced back to the original page of the publication. With strict review and proofreading, the accuracy and reliability of the data can be guaranteed.


Convenient analysis: Users can analyze population-related trends and problems by comparing different indexes. The comparability of data provides users with a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis perspective, which helps them better understand the laws and trends of population development.

Easy-to-use function: The database adopts an easy-to-use interface and operation mode, and users can quickly retrieve, query and use the data. At the same time, users can use a variety of data export functions for data analysis and processing.

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